Wednesday 27 November 2013

A Surprising Skin Saviour

My skin has always caused me problems , typically being oily and suffering with adult acne , but recently I have had a real change , it's has become incredibly dry and flakey . More than you would expect to happen with the change of seasons . I have never experienced anything like it before and has really left my self esteem on the floor . 

I have tried a number of high end brands in a bid to try to sort it but nothing had really been working . 
I had then remembered a post I had saw on another makeup artist s page about Nivea Creme and how she had read an article on how it compared to the £100 Creme de la Mer face cream containing 30 identical ingredients . So I though I might as well give it a try as it's so incredibly cheap ,  and boy what a difference it has made . The consistency is not for everyone , it's really thick and hard to work with if your skin is damp and will leave a greasy residue . But I find it strangely quite soothing. I only put it on and night and when I get up my skin  feels so incredibly soft what  a massive decrease in the dryness and flaking .  Still not completely gone but what an improvement .  As I am normally very oily I was a bit dubious as to whether it would make my acne worse and clog my proses but it does nt seem to have made a difference in that area . 

Still going strong since 1911 there must be something there for it still to be gracing our shelves now . 

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